Google fonts: the best & the worst

Fonts say a lot about your brand.

There’s a lot of psychology that goes into typography: are the letters rounded and silly? Swirly and whimsical? Clean and modern? Strong and academic? Choosing the right font is imperative in sending the right message and making sure your clients perceive you as competent and professional.

I gravitate towards using Google Fonts in several cases. For starters, Google Fonts are usually free! Yay! They are also very easy to embed on your website — Google recognizes them quickly and easily which may help in your search engine optimization. Finally, Google vets these fonts to ensure they are quality, versatile fonts — who doesn’t want a Google stamp of approval in branding and design?

The font you choose will vary depending on your business. Serif fonts are appropriate for academic and legal businesses. Sans serif fonts are appropriate for tech, aerospace, and cutting-edge businesses. Script fonts may work for nutrition and coaching businesses. Hand writing fonts may work for spunky, child-focused businesses. It all depends on your brand message and your target market.

Your graphic designer will consult with you on the appropriate font your business, but here are some of our favorite and not-so-favorite Google Fonts (with samples of each!) to get you started.

5 best Google fonts for business

Use these fonts to ensure professionalism in your business communications.

1 | Source Sans Pro

Graphic designer displays font sample of Source Sans Pro

2 | Droid Serif

Graphic designer displays font sample of Droid Serif

3 | Lato

Graphic designer displays font sample of Lato

4 | Crimson

Graphic designer displays font sample of Crimson Text

5 | Montserrat

Graphic designer displays font sample of Montserrat

5 worst Google Fonts for business

If you want to look competent and professional, do not use these fonts.

1 | Papyrus

Graphic Designer begrundingly displays font sample of Papyrus

This font is probably already installed on your machine. Not that you'd want to download it anyway.

2 | Comic Sans

Graphic designer begrundingly displays font sample of Comic Sans

This font is probably already installed on your machine. Not that you'd want to download it anyway.

3 | Herr Von Muellerhoff (or anything like it)

Graphic designer begrundingly displays font sample of HERR VON MUELLERHOFF

4 | Orbitron

Bank Gothic's sad, sad little cousin.

Graphic designer begrundingly displays font sample of Orbitron

5 | Lobster

You may think it is cool and retro, but actually it is incredibly trite.

Graphic designer begrundingly displays font sample of Lobster

Do the fonts on your website suck?